Jirina (Part 1)

Mira knows Loki from Loki+Lydia group sex parties. They all liked each other, nothing special.

I am not sure that that would have happened. Lana and Lenny were sometimes at the Loki+ Lydia swinger/group sex parties. Donā€™t remember Lana participating. Not sur about Lenny but things might have changed.

Thatā€™s all that counts is to keep the money rolling in, the whole site is a b___dy farce really.

Sorry for taking so long to respond,

Had to investigate a little Lana & Lenny history.
We will never know what would have happened, but Most of the M&H swing group appear to be holdovers from the Loki and Lydia group.
However Lana was fucked by Karel in front of Maren almost exactly one year ago,

See video link

Lennysā€™ history seems to be mostly fingering girls

Lana & Lenny visited M&H earlier that that already.

I know First sight I have of them is actually March 28, 2020

(edit) I am trying to figure out who the redhead was that they were fingering in the hall?

Shhhhhhhhhhh :shushing_face: You are going to ruin their fun again. Yesterday everyone was convinced they were virgins to the swinging scene and Jirina & Tejo ruined their first experience. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You mean I should let them talk their bs here? :joy::joy:

jabbath1987Moments Operator can i ask you what is a Moments Operator

first time seeing it against someone

Showtime Recording GIF by CBS

I am one of the guys saving moments for archives :wink:

Oh, come on you know they did. :joy: :rofl:


thanks for that :ok_hand:

I propose we have a moments operator dedicated to only saving Indira moments. What do u say jabbs?? :upside_down_face:

these are all the people that said i&k would never get together it would not be allowed,and also said they would never have their own place, all sour gr__es if you ask me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They still donā€™t have their own place LMAO. But yes, you are correct on a lot of what you said.

i said have their own place, not own a place,

Ummm I thought they had there own room. Isnā€™t that there own place? They just share the common areasā€¦ :upside_down_face:

think you will find their names are on it same as j&t your all getting petty now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nope they still donā€™t have ā€œtheir own placeā€. They share a place just like they shared a realm with Savannah and Troy. Thatā€™s why the realm says Jirina & Tejo, Indira & Kostja and NOT Indira & Kostja