Jirina (Part 1)

It must have been quick lick. 1015pm, in the tub. 1025, she’s dressed again. Guaranteed he didn’t fuck her

Chance of something to happen are very low:

  • Wendy - Waiting for Koen
  • Carolyn - Won’t do anything at parties
  • Zoja - Since with Kirsten won’t do anything at parties
  • Kano - Won’t fuck any girl
  • Mira - No other guy but Henry there for her
  • Kirsten - Nun at parties
  • Jirina - No other guy but Henry there for her
  • Shana - No other guy but Henry there for her
  • Marica - No other guy but Henry there for her
  • Maren - Won’t do anything at parties lately…
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I guess it’s Henry or nothing

There’s no young innocent naive boys for the cougar

Why wouldn’t Wendy take her nerds along?

They don’t look like they know what to do with a naked women

In Common K__l Count GIF by Dead Meat James

Neither you do…:sweat_smile::joy:

My ex girlfriends never had any complaints

You are still watching? You said you would stop to watch this realm earlier today.

He is still waiting for I&K to show up :joy:

Indira…. She got fucked many times…with other guys…:sweat_smile:

Holy words… :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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for him indira and kostja are the paradise and purity of vhtv … :joy:

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Not watching, just reading the forum!

Welcome @Debby_Paul :heart_eyes: But I am afraid dinner is already over :stuck_out_tongue:

Debby & Paul again, been a while :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Well, there was som debate about the fridge in Paul’s kitchen yesterday, so it may have triggered something :laughing:

when was that, no info on the forum.
Last time I saw them there was in July, when probably Kostja had his birthday.

And you don’t think that they visited Mikl in the woods without Indira being torn behind the stable do ya? :rofl: :rofl: