Jirina (Part 1)

I still see Wendy and Koen as a couple

In addition, my bet is that in the next month or two there will be a foursome of K & I with Koen and Wendy.

I have no evidence to back up my hunch except that they are in the same age bracket and given that pressures must still exist for K & I to be seen having sex with others besides each other, who right now is a better choice than Koen and Wendy

Wendy left Sharaā€™s apartment this afternoon with all her belongings.
Weā€™ll see :slightly_smiling_face:

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But Kostja hasnā€™t been with no one except Indiraā€¦

Itā€™s interesting seeing YOU speculate and fantazise about someone else fucking Indira than Kostja.

In all honesty I donā€™t see it happen, because Indira is too much in love with Kostja,

and since he told her it hurts him to see her with someone else, I donā€™t believe it will happen.

As far as the explanation goes, wouldnā€™t Berny and Shana be an option,

this way Kostja could sexually, technically, outrank his competitor, unlike the try with Mikl and Shana.

With Koen I see the same desaster happen as with Mikl, when Kostja couldnā€™t stand long enough.

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Jirina got Berny on the phone guess she wants him to come over

oh, Iā€™d be happy to come, but Iā€™m writing a diploma :weary:

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I donā€™t know but, indira and kostja would have to have a long conversation before even considering hooking up with another couple

Good luck :+1: :+1:

They donā€™t even bother to close the door. LOL

Preps for Michelā€™s scenario??

I am convinced that there are still pressures for them to be seen to have sex with others. The foursome with Mikl and Shana happened because of the pressures. May be the next foursome will not be with Wendy and Koen, but some other pair. And yes, there can be another disaster. So far, K & I have been able to get away for quite some time of just being with themselves

Kostja said something to Indira and she smiled shook her head he made a face guess he want them to go watch she didnā€™t want to lol

K & I do not need anyone else. They are quite happy with each other. However, they did not want the foursome with Mikl and Shana either. They felt pushed into it.

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Henry said in a post, that everybody does what they like.

Fucking someone else pretty sure would generate more viewers.

Could it be, that the ā€œpressure-from-management-theoryā€ is a made-up hoax,

and can only be supported by the need of viewers to make money, and no need

to happen as long as they get enough viewers by the party-business?

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They tried as well with Savannah and Troy, when Troy got s__tfaced and went to bed with a bucket.

Iā€™m sure had Troy not done that, there would have been another foursome.

Not to count the short one with Tejo and Jirina plus the double one on one,

and Kostja fucking Indira on the couch while Jirina was watching.

In that week 22 to 30 March, and 22 feb they desperately tried to offer anything besides

Indira has sex of whatever kind with Kostja.

Do you believe everything Henry says ? :slight_smile:

The pressure was discussed by K & I in the early March time frame. It was very concrete.
It is possible that that pressure has gone away. I have not head them discussing this pressure from management since.
However, I do not get to hear every conversation. Also, some conversations are off camera.

No, I donā€™t, but I donā€™t wave it right away neither.

I saw henry talk to Kostja a couple of times single talk in the kitchen at TJIK, but donā€™t understand a word.

Just in one time, I heard Janaā€™s real name and Henry and Lenny showing bored faces, as if they wanted to tell Kostja, that they have to be nicer to the guests.

Other than that, I saw henry questioning the second set of scars on Indiraā€™s hip, when Kostja asked him not to go deeper into that when Indira had left the kitchen. Henry went on some distance to Indira after this
and after he had discussed the issue with Kostja.

That may be pure money-thinking and just trying not to upset Indira to keep the cash cow,

but it could also be some sort of compassion in him.

What Iā€™m trying to say is, that Henry has his weird peculiarities, but not everything has to be bad.

You say in one breath you donā€™t believe everything Henry says then you follow that up saying you donā€™t understand a word. duhhhhhh.
Well if you donā€™t understand the language you got no idea what they are talking about anyway surely???

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I projected ā€œevery word he saysā€ on the english posts in this forum.