Jirina (Part 1)

Kostja needs to stop messing with her it just makes them watch her more

But what of it?? Indira is in a relationship with Kostja…they all know this.

He just drawing more attention to her is all i am saying

If he didn’t sit next to her and kiss and touch her the other guys might think they had broken up.

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I don’t know what name the TS has been given…but it should be Lola.

This girl looks vaguely familiar,

But I can’t remember if she earned a name

Lola is my suggestion…it fits perfectly…I think I will piss myself if Johan makes a move on her…he keeps snapping her bra strap.

He might find something there he not expecting he is already pretty _____ he will be out before long and be in a bed rest of the morning

like in the song from the Kinks :+1:

The name Lola has been here before, at least twice, according to the archive, just don’t know if they are active

Yes…as in Kinks…LolaCola then?

4 posts were split to a new topic: [:question:] Need help with title

Is Chyna ever going to do something, beside looking hot in tight black pants. She has an awesome body

…but a better singing voice.

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Tejo’s talk with Johan went well I thought,you could see the cogs turning as he worked out that none of the women were there for him…and no TS either!!

What’s TS mean.

Jirina always has room for another youngster

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TeamSpeak :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well they had him in the hall ready to leave now back on couch with another _____

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Please tell me Jirina isn’t trying to sing!