Jirina (Part 1)

I continue to be amazed here.
4th Day in a row only this and nothing else :thinking: :upside_down_face:

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There has been speculation that Indira is suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, Preventing normal full sexual activity!

She obviously is closed for business downstairs, either it’s her period, or as someone suggested maybe has a yeast infection, who knows

Wonder where Petra has gone? not seen her in a while.
Perhaps being fucked while as___p has put her off a bit :rofl:

Did they already look under the guest room bed? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But she still takes care of Kostja, Though I don’t think he really requires it, It is more her need.

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Well Kostja gets his cock sucked in the bathroom by other girls. Will Indira be giving that type of hug to her guests soon too?? :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:


May be a bit of a squeeze for dear Petra :laughing:

For sure less than for Indira :rofl:

She would struggle getting her legs under :laughing:
Oh whoops, what have i said :rofl:

Wird zu Palmer gezogen sein:

Honestly though would you expect the fan club to think any differently? :thinking: :grin:

Ah how is your friend doing ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink:

Ich hoffe gut, er soll nur bleiben wo er ist!

Mira and Henry are at A&A&W :upside_down_face:

Guests or Owners?

But why would you post this here exactly? :thinking:

Wouldn’t know, she came across here by chance :rofl:

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Why not :smiley: