Jirina (Part 1)

Henry was the only one that Indira never really knew how to say no in the beginning


Henry is not the wonderful advice-giving f____r figure that some believe Lenny is.
All I am saying that you are wrong about Lenny. Given the opportunity he is just like all of them.

He used her as his pillow while carrying on agitated conversations. He was not even paying much attention to her physically while he was using her lap as his pillow.

That cute blonde has a very tight sexy body, who wouldn’t want to have some fun with her

Yeh, and couple weeks ago he was giving Indira very close advice while rubbing her leg. Don’t ask me for a clip, It’s not worth the trouble. Lets keep our eyes open.

Shana just showed up, that’s random

Some people are naturally physical with others. With women and with men and every one around. And it is obvious to all that they are not going anywhere with their physicality.
It is like Italians using their hands to talk.
It is obvious that even when this guy appears to be physical, he is hardly conscious of it. There is very little calculating. Lenny had his head on a pillow which itself was sitting on Indira’s lap. At times he even grabbed her legs. While all this was going on, he was carrying on an agitated conversation, paying virtually no attention where he was physically. It simply was not sexual. He was not being sexual and all around him did not perceive as anything sexual.
Once again, he is not Henry.

Shana could show up anywhere now that she has Sonya to walk!

It’s about ten minutes or less from her place

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All hovering over this younger women

Lenny’s girl friend is actually quite young. She is a lot younger than he is

Is lenny in his 40s and she’s late twenties , early thirties

We got some really good fan fiction going on tonight. :grin:

King Of The Hill Reaction GIF

I’d like to know how Edna got her name, I was hoping to find a good view of her feet in a video, but there is nothing of her in the archives.

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I gave her that name.

Sounds like an older women name

HAHAHA of course you would say that. :sweat_smile:

My late grandm____r’s name was Elsy, so when see her and rusty, I say, that’s an older women name

Who is the girl in yellow?