Total buzzk__l as usual…
Why do we include ancient history here? That was months ago at S&T. It has no current meaning!
it’s not my fault translating everything via google translate …
you are the best…
That not exactly an answer to that question. I don’t get it
me too but sometimes something goes wrong, sorry
fan club provoked me
if I sent you to that country by mistake, I’m sorry …
i don’t know english i translate everything via google translator …
same problem here,
try to make something like this
who is that blondie? maren
I would agree with anger, But not at K
How many tickets have M&H sold to the I&K supper and nightclub?
Maren was former Girlfriend of Karel, Who is now with Elisha, More or less.
bring out the money bums …
I think indira hates these Henry manufactured parties, because she has nothing in common with the guests
get your money out before you talk …
Hey man take a chill pill, kostja and indira live in the free camera zones all the time.
Is it time for Debbie to whip somebody