Jirina (Part 1)

These parties are getting more boring every time I see them. Girls sit on couch and guys play video games. Start playing some _____ing games where evryone is involved get some life into ur parties. Anyone can sit at home and watch videos and have some _____s

And what’s even stranger, it’s still widely looked forward to.
They are in 2nd place :rofl:

10 people in the room …8 looking for entertainment , 2 hogging the TV playing video game.

Is Kanos’ exile self imposed?

No , he is still tired of vacuuming and cleaning up this afternoon :smiley:

even though I complain I do still watch it from time to time just in case something is gonna happen. It just takes to long sometimes to go back thru all the timelines looking for something

Singing with them all in the kitchen :joy:


@Edd5512 I’ve been working on my photography sk__ls. How am I doing??

With her you don’t need to be a good photographer, she does well even in the dark.

In the dark everyone does well. :joy:

B___dy s__t, all out of focus :rofl:

Hey @jabbath1987 what do you think about adding my masterpiece to the wiki? :thinking: :upside_down_face:

The IQ of the guests seem to be gradually falling as does the members fall even quicker it seems to keep watching this crap. :rofl:

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We have graduated from Kazantips kindergarten class to S&T’s 1st grade and now graduated to J&T’s 2nd grade class it just keeps getting better and better

Imposable :rage: :triumph: the beauty on Indira can never be out of focus!!

She has a very pretty face and that’s all i’m saying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who on eearth wanted a party with younger people there . I seem to remember that is what was going to make Indira & Kostja enjoy the partiers much more. This lot are younger. What happened?

I believe younger as in their friends their age, obviously they had never met this group

I must admit I am confused, _____ faller brought his girl over and left her behind?

The conversation was about K & I developing friends their own age. No one said that they need to be recruited from the slow classes