Jirina (Part 1)

This is getting more ridiculous, than the T&S kindergarten class

Waiting for Monopoly to be pulled out.

The appartment would be better off without that kind of guests,

just taking care of eachother themselves.

OK girlies, convince me that I’m wrong.

I think she has a nervous disease, like I think Teresa has it.

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they need to hook up with Palmer be good match

Read my previous post… don’t be too hasty/harsh…

even Tejo has left and went into the bedroom

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I was just thinking

" Palmer’s revenge "

The matchup should happen in a different appartment though.

Kazantip house or so.

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Jirina having a wee rub of Indira

If some sex games did start in the LR, How long would it take Tejo to get there from the Bedroom?

They inspect the whole place, even K&I bedroom.

Like they need orientation if they come more often???

one long step,

if he doesn’t pretend to not have been aware of.

Pointing out the cameras?

possible new tenants if I&K move out

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they’d be lost,

but maybe Kostja and Indira want their own place, and gave them some time to find new
colocators, so it’s easier to pay rent and COL

One interesting theory is they could take over the M&M&S apartment, when they find a bigger one

Indira with definitively no undies,
thin fabric, and a good side-entrance.

So called easy-access.

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Even if they are looking for replacement roommates, Why at 03:00 in the morning?

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Why invite people over in the middle of the night for 2 hours, who’s next, some walking zombies

They will all be that soon at this rate!

I suppose an orgy would have been automatic acceptance!