You can ask support if you want more information if and when they will be back…
Hey, do you know anything about Jeremy & Lexi?? This relocation has been going on for quite some time, and I’m wondering if something has happened to prevent them from returning?
Same answer for you: You can write to support and ask when and if they will be back…
Ok sorry, I just scrolled down the page quickly and wrote this question and didn’t see your reply
I believe I saw them a week or so ago visitting Krosh & Simon
They visit them frequently…
That’s y our kid and great script writer tail is swinging he think he can create more circus and ruin more lives like other but kid can’t control them
Believe me guys he show he is innocent but he never was and never will…
Who are you thinikng about?
I was asked but they dont back
Welcome back
Welcome back you guys
Not a big fan of this apartment…
Welcome back Jeremy & Leksi
It doesn’t depend on the apartment, but on the residents…
Guessing k&s are there or headed there