Jeremy & Leksi

You can ask support if you want more information if and when they will be back…

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Hey, do you know anything about Jeremy & Lexi?? This relocation has been going on for quite some time, and I’m wondering if something has happened to prevent them from returning?


Same answer for you: You can write to support and ask when and if they will be back…

Ok sorry, I just scrolled down the page quickly and wrote this question and didn’t see your reply

I believe I saw them a week or so ago visitting Krosh & Simon

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They visit them frequently…

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That’s y our kid and great script writer tail is swinging :sweat_smile::joy: he think he can create more circus and ruin more lives like other :nerd_face: but kid can’t control them :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Believe me guys he show he is innocent but he never was and never will…:smirk:

Jeremy’s been there even today

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Who are you thinikng about? :thinking:


I was asked but they dont back


The apartment looks a bit wild and untidy …

Welcome back :sparkling_heart:


Welcome back you guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


Bathroom cam already down

Not a big fan of this apartment…

Welcome back Jeremy & Leksi :heart:


It doesn’t depend on the apartment, but on the residents… :wink:

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Guessing k&s are there or headed there