Jeremy & Leksi

I have no clue what he even wants and what he is talking about. He better sticks to his photos :joy:

U very well know about everything what’s going on realms but wanna play behind back and behave like an innocent one….:smirk:

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If the participants perceive what is spoken in this forum as an opinion, it is their choice. If you are following what I am watching or not, really go out and relax. No one is being f___ed to do anything. It is up to them whether they read this forum and everything else, that is, to direct their lives. Yes, When the participants move, I watch if it interests me. But this is nobody’s business.


Problem is u r keep convincing and f_____g them… go back and look no. of requests u made so far….:triumph:

Back to topic NOW or I will move all that s__t… You can discuss it in PM…

please remove it because he will keep doing it over again :100:

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i ave notice the rare moments i came to watch this place that Jeremy is constantly on his phone, playing games. the guy have no interest. no life, no excitment, nada.i think is the participant that i dislike most in the project right now.

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No, he is not very supportive. I am sure that doing VH would have been Leksi’s idea. Still, he is her choice unless it is just a relationship of convenience which I confess I have suspected once or twice. We often have to guess their circumstances.

Looks as if Leksi has given the guest a miss altogether. I suspect he is Jeremy’s brother.

Already at his first visit there was talk of stepbrother. Nothing will happen with this guy…


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Jeremy got a haircut :rofl:


:heart: :stuck_out_tongue: :heart_eyes: :tongue:…Sexy :fire:


Another early night for Leksi and another boring male guest for Jeremy.

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He had visited before.


There will finally be a threesome tonight :rofl:

Yep, quite sure - maybe the next DP like last time
Just joking, that’s the wrong realm there :sweat_smile: :joy: