Jeremy & Leksi

come on sweey come close or go to the bedroom :cry:

so crazy and so sexy hope to seee her with the gest girl make sex

mmmmmmmm wonderfull prety sexy crazy mwahhhhhhhhh :kiss: :heart_eyes: :rose: :rose: :rose:

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We need a loggia camera here. Jeremy and the guy are missing.

Not sure if there is a loggia, they are going outside to smoke

Do they go out the front door.

Yes, you can see them on cam 1

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Are you sure they’re not sisters? they have a fairly reasonable resemblance

come on angel try to touch her and make her horney :heart_eyes: :kiss: :heart_eyes: :kiss:


i hop they are not :pray:

I’d like to too but I don’t know, if they’re not sisters they look like it.

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Yes i see now thanks. I remember before the wardrobe in the kitchen Jeremy and Leksi went in there and didn’t come out for a very long time maybe 20 mins or so.

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mmmmm i feel something hapen tonight i hop so i will be so happy mwahhhhhh :pray: :kiss: :heart_eyes:

give it a rest man ffs :man_facepalming:

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Jeez dude, go an have a wank and relax, wtf is wrong with you?

I would bet that it is a family reunion and that absolutely nothing will happen, for better or for worse.

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another one of your accounts @Catalonia ?

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I only have one account, in fact I don’t know if I would know how to open a different one :smile:


I think this rules out Tanya as being Amy, as Amy is unlikely to have said that gay or bi was freaky.