merde, Torey, tu me surprendras toujours !
They aren’t on this site to satisfy your needs, go to chaturbate for that
It depends on what you mean by need. I did not read such a warning or instruction while registering on the site. Also, you did not understand the difference between wanting and hoping in my words.You are not in a position to lecture. There is no imperative sentence in my words. There is only hope for something. Don’t be so rude.
Baby Leksi what a nice ass i am crazy for your ass.
No sadly some viewers f___e them to do more… by keep convincing them…
No, I think the problem is not the viewers but them, if they don’t act on the camera, then why do they listen to the “compulsions” of the viewers here…
If they’re listening here then that’s their problem, not the people here, everyone can freely express their opinion, don’t put all the blame on the people here…
I agree on that point also…… so another scripted realms or may be doing things according to comments….
I agree on that point also…… so another scripted realm or may be doing things according to comments….
I can show u many points where viewers f_____g and keep convincing them… but if they are doing to fulfil viewer’s wish… then sorry they will be nothing but a fake… well m not surprised…it’s vhtv ofcourse
non, c’est peut être pour permettre à Torey de faire ses photos et enrichir son book
Tory would never do that… He only wants natural things…
something feels so off in this situation.
i wont sit and listen all the conversations but something that strike me as strange is the guest guy said when he spoke on the phone " i have to be here till the morning" conclusions yours
Torey est champion du monde car en plus, il a fait des émules : beaucoup ici l’imite mais sans jamais l’égaler. D’où beaucoup de photos qui ne sont pas utiles comme le gars qui a photographié une PIZZA !
Guest guy is too _____ look like they came from a party…… Jeremy _____ in living room…
Again because of guest, participants will suffer…
obviously, now he’s talking to Cam 1 in front of Lexi and Lexi allows it …