Jeremy & Leksi

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awesome vid :pray::heart_eyes:


I just got too…so hot! :laughing: :+1: :heart_eyes: :cucumber: :ocean:

I would like to know what the idiot tells her when she hosed down…

What happened was very good, but if it were like this it would be even better,
or in the bedroom

less mess to clean up :rofl:

When you are as glamorous as Lexi all you have to do is to get close to a cam in daylight to thrill 15:32:10 cam 8.

It’s true, great images

There were also these excellent images, which no one published, it was a short time, but they were very beautiful images

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Please speak Russian only! I don’t want to understand you, unlike everyone else

Good bath of Leksi, good frontal images and did something that greatly improved the quality of the images, cleaned the glass 2 times, very good

Before cleaning the glass

After cleaning the glass

(There was also this beautiful image)

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Is it normal for girl to squirt and walk normally? no spasm or anything related

i am a celebrity get me out of here
:pinched_fingers: :wave:



Yes, Jirina pails into insignificance compared to Leksi :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


who is other girl

She is new first visit…!

ok thanks i thought i had not seen her