Jenya DADYA & Friends

I shouldn’t have mentioned that! :joy: :smile:

Not only the chicken

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Enjoy your meal, but leave a little to others! :joy:

Happy Birthday @JENYADADYA you are one of my favs. :heart_eyes:


Kima is only checking if everything was done following the highest standards :crazy_face: :laughing:

Why not have this party at floras??

Just checked live and it doesn’t look like the chicken ‘suffered’ too much at the paws and teeth of the cat. Maybe it was rescued in time by someone with watchful human eyes.


Kima is a very well educated cat, she only licked the juice from the backing tray :hugs: :laughing:

Joking aside, it was quite impressive that she didn’t touch the meat

Holy cow! You guys definitely know how to put a spread together! That looks fantastic! And Happy Birthday!!!


Maybe she was thirsty! :laughing:

Kima, if you read this…

Cats _____ water or milk (I have heard of some _____ing tea as well…as do some dogs). Chicken juice isn’t quite the thing for you, my little feline friend. :smiley_cat:

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Jenya getting clean for the party :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It sounds like it will be a all-star of females :heart_eyes:Queen Cinderella Aphrodite :heart_eyes: and I wonder who else will show up :thinking:

Gift for birthday :gift:, a good blowjob


Kamera 11, Loggia ist total verdeckt.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Jenya

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Happy birthday Uncle Jenya. Hope you enjoy the party to the maximum. :partying_face: :cocktail: :champagne: :unicorn:


According to latest Telegram post a farewell party…

We were only told about a birthday (party). This new information is really sad if it is true. :sob:

Unfortunately, that’s what the latest Telegram post says… Quite sad about it :cry:

JD celebrates his birthday and leaving the project soon. It’s a farewell party.

That’s what it actually says. :confused:

As far as I know, he will stay in the project for at least 1 month more and then yes, he will leave.

So let’s enjoy his realm while we can!

Happy birthday @JENYADADYA