
They lied to her She thought she was going to RLC :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Why are you always keep ranking girls here? Do you see anybody else who does it as excessive as you do?

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Ranking ? I don’t remember making any ranking yet, but if you insist… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Telling this girl is better than that, this girl is too good for site x or apartment x…
That is nothing else than ranking them

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It is quite easily noticeable that most of the girls visiting Jason are on a different level. What is wrong with that ?

Because it is a subjective level you see. I heard nobody else writing or saying that. I do not rank girls on levels.

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Well, i’m ranking the girls on looks, you’re ranking them on how many dicks they have per day or per Vhtv stay…each to their own i suppose… :wink: :man_shrugging:


I do not rank them at all. It is very obvious that your ideal girl is the flawless and perfect instagram or influencer type of girl. But that is only your ideal. And it does not mean that other girls with different looks are on a lower level. Implying that is simply not right.


Now i realise that you seriously never understood much about me. Quite weird after how much we’ve talked for years. Even more weird as you know my favourite girls on this site and the fact they were not even close to be the flawless or the perfect influencer type. But they had something in common and that was personality . Without personality, the looks simply doesn’t matter for me :slightly_smiling_face:

Again this is very subjective. For example how much did you follow Dizzy? Do you know what personality she has? Not saying that I know. I am just curious :wink:

And how can you know the personality of that latest girl if you only see for her the first time? :upside_down_face:

And by the way just some posts above you said something totally different:

Well, i’m ranking the girls on looks

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Lool, obviously that the looks is the first thing we notice about those girls. FFS :rofl: :rofl:

By the way, i only follow few places, if you ask me something, ask about those places :crazy_face:

bandicam 2024-12-12 20-25-44-495

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Well just above you said personality is more important :wink:

OMG Jabs, you said that my ideal girl is the perfect, flawless influencer type and i said that the looks is not everything, i care about personality as well.

And that is why half of your favorites consist of party apartments where a lot of random girls visit where you can never know any personality :grin:


Lol, you’re in a funny mood today. I don’t have any favourite girls currently on cams and judging by what’s on offer across the site, will stay this way for a long time probably :laughing:

The girl’s face looks familiar to me, she has been a guest in other apartments


I can’t say I recognise her

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She was there the previous day with her friend before the one who took bath arrived.

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