Isa & Bart

but have they ever completely swapped?

So they never fully swapped with anyone?

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can they be requested?

I donā€™t know how you could go about doing that since the videos were deleted from VHTV archive and Isa & Bart havenā€™t been seen for a few years.

Such a shame when all videos are removed from certain parts of the archive, without an obvious reason (and explanation of said reason) for so doing. The same thing happened with ā€˜myā€™ beautiful Jacobā€™s videos (literally all of them) and I am still struggled to comprehend that one! :sob:

I recorded a lot before but I needed to delete them, pity

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Can we tag some admins? they maybe able to help

@kaya is probably the best person to ask since she is wise and knowing of such things.

Unfortunately,videos with both of them were removed cause of privacy issues

Does anyone have those videos? DM me if you do. Iā€™d be happy to pay for them!

Iā€™ve seen the one with Isa Bart shaun & clarice floating around on the net :blush: but not the one where she had a threesome :disappointed:

@kaya said that one third of deleted videos will be back up in 2 weeks, so letā€™s hope the deleted Isa/Bart guest clips are included in that third!! :crossed_fingers: :pray:


I canā€™t see this being likely since I think Isa & Bart videos were deleted quite some time ago. I think the ones Kaya was referring to only got deleted recently.


Like the ones of Jacob (and Grace). They were deleted some time ago and I keep living in hope that I might get to see Jacob again in the archives but that seems utterly futile.

I still donā€™t get why THOSE ones were removed. All very sad (to put it mildly). :sob:

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Agreed :100:. It is incredibly sad and disappointing, especially because people can still unethically pay to see those videos on pirate and file sharing sites, yet us members who contribute to the actual site can no longer access them :sob: