Interaction with sheep based on climates in the Commonwealth

Sorry, Dave. For faster transmission, a video, as well as other types of data, is first compressed (encoded), then, when you play it, the player, browser, etc., decompresses (decodes) it so you can view it. Hence, the term CO(compress)DEC(decompress).

The msg just means your browser doesn’t support the codec needed to play this video. You can try another browser, or you can download it and play it in a media player, like VLC

If you don’t have VLC, you can go to and download and install the Android version.

Thanks buddy, but you know me😂

How could I possibly comment on that pal :rofl:

I wish I could tell you how to do it, but I’m not an Android guy. Maybe some other Android user could step up and help you.

Other than Microsoft Edge, I don’t know of another browser that supports the codec needed to play it. There are probably others, I just don’t know which ones. That’s why I thought downloading it and using VLC might be the easier route.

Here’s a short instructional video about what to do if you find a sheep stuck lying on it’s back. What…you say that never happens to you? Well, you never know, perhaps this might come in handy some day, at least for the sheep :sweat_smile: :wink: :sweat_smile: