Trolls. People are feeding the trolls.
Ah the usual banter between refazer and caesar. Just let them play
I feel sorry for the girls. But maybe they don’t care. I hope so even.
They have to live with the comments like any other partcipant here too. Saying they are boring happens to all people. And I have to say I do not find them interesting at all too.
You guys are too savy for me.
I have things to say about that. And other things too. I’d like a place, sort of cafe or bar, where going off topic is being on topic. You know? And also a place to alarm people if somewhere something exciting is happening. Like a new Harry Potter film or so. So what about a bar? You could kick all off topic posts there and keep the threads clean.
I like that idea. We should ask @VHTV_James about it
How do I dropdown?
This is how you dropdown.
removed kkkk kkkk
If you don’t need any extra text, you can also add a link just by putting it in angle brackets. This also works for email addresses. Like this.
If you add the ‘https’ and ‘www’, it won’t show the angle brackets when you post it. Like this.