
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Purgatorium :poop:

Yes I’m aware of that, but it will be a nice present for VHTV to look at whenever they decided to return to the forum. Consolidate all the evidence essentially.

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She’s better than you that’s for sure

I agree completely, Tanya is now ignored by me, All her posts should automatically be routed to the s__t house, and IF someone wants to answer her they can go there!keep the realm topics clean!
:pray: :pray: :pray:

Fixed it for you. :wink: :hugs:


I think a paddle is more effective than a hand.

The problem is this member is way out of control and who knows when VHTV will do something action needs to happen now.

Oh Edd she might like that a bit to much.

This thread is temporarily closed for at least 1 hour due to the large number of complaints from the community.

Why is your bot now speaking Russian @VHTV_James ?

I translated it and reopened the topic.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 1 hour due to a large number of community flags.

Dieses Thema wurde aufgrund einer großen Anzahl an Community-Meldungen vorĂŒbergehend fĂŒr mindestens 1 Stunde geschlossen.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 1 hour due to a large number of community flags.

This bot is a pain in the ass

Leider kann ich die Sprache nicht und kann mir nur an Hand der Mimik und der Gestik etwas zusammenreimen. Dass I+I uns ein großes Schauspiel geliefert haben ist mir klar. Ich dachte auch, dass sie “nur” Partner wĂ€ren, aber aufgrund der 2-fachen kuscheligen Schlafsession muß da mehr sein. Denn das Unterbewußtsein sucht die NĂ€he des Anderen.

Ik durf hier geen uitspraken meer doen in dit circus .
We zullen zien hoe het hier verder evalueert .
Maar ik vermoed dat er iets staat te gebeuren , maar wat ? geen enkel idee

What’s a bot? :thinking:

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