Indira & Kostja

Her conversation was translated by a viewer, not a computer, who saw the entire conversation at Jirina’s

Whelp you are wrong then. She said Kostja wants her to fuck HIS friends and she doesn’t want to.

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She mentioned what Kostja was asking and brought up possibly living alone and that was Jirina reply

You mean the small clips that @Kade181727 sent Jimmy?

He sent Jimmy the clips from the Indira and Jirina conversation, yes

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Ok then show me where Jimmy said Jirina told Indira she would have to fuck strangers…

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congratulations on getting to I&K for1000 plus posts :cake: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

Still 30320 to go to catch up with Jirina :joy: :rofl:

If all the I&K related posts were moved from Jirina topic to the current I&K topic.

how would they balance out?

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Jirina would have none ,

over a 1000 post on a couple who have never been tennants .got to admit that even though i think pinky and perky where a couple of fukwits ,seems to me that someone as missed out on a potential cash cow

They were tenants when they were living with Jirina.

ok i guess i meant in there own place . they just stayed at jirinas as guest not part of the main cliche

No, they were full participants when the lived with Jirina. They were not guests.

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ok my bad .not really a follower of them so forgive my ignorance

If you look at the Jirina topic, You will see that the beginning was about J&T,I&K

When they shared an apartment from Feb till June.

I would bet that 75% was about I&K!

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well i cant see the tellytubby having many followers .she is bug ugly, jirina that is not indra

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Shana

I have never seen any thing that made me believe Henry wants her to fuck strangers, or even anyone but him. He would happily have her at a party for the joy of fucking her ( his and our enjoyment) Sure i expect that he finds she drags in the viewers, but she would drag them in anyway whoever she was fucking,. I mean you still come back with all your Henry haters pack.

If one women leaving shocked me it’s Marica, because she loved Henry’s cock more than any other female tenant. And if she could fuck Henry at every party, she would have. She may even been in love with him, the way she caressed his face before and after sex