Incident: Previews are not updating

Pensé que solo yo tenía ese problema.

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nope you not the only one. :unamused:

Server performance problems are always the simplest and easiest to solve - buy another server. So if it seems to you that somewhere there is a problem with the performance of servers, this is most likely not the case :slight_smile:

and where are the Previews?`??
also my problem???

I cannot answer you specifically on this question. But the point is definitely not that there are any problems with server performance.

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Our tech team is working on the issue. It seems like it happens because of maintenance on the channel between very large data centers in EU, which affects our clients too.

Very sorry for inconvenience.

Thanks for the update. :+1:

might be on my end, but the previews at bottom are not showing up.

@kaya wrote earlier they are working on them

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Thank you for the update

I must admit now that the issue may take longer than expected to resolve. It may take up to 8-9 hours for previews to get fixed.


Yes, is very hard to enjoy the site with that issue :pensive:

The issue is still there i see. Sorry to say. :unamused:

Animated GIF

Still working on that. We also had other connected problem with subscriptions so it takes more time than expected. I’m really sorry for making you wait for so long :pensive:

its ok but keep us in the loop please.
And thanks for the update. :+1:

Yes my master. :laughing:

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Previews are now up-to-date. Works are still in progress.

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Thanks for that, it does make a difference I can instantly know where to perv. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: