#ILOVEVHTV 2023 Giveaway 🎂🎁❤️

Ook ik wil mijn steentje bijdragen .
Och wat gaat de tijd toch snel weer een jaar die is voorbij gevlogen .
Allereerst wil ik VHTV feliciteren met hun 7de verjaardag .
Al ben ik niet zolang hier lid als hier de meeste onder ons , maar ik geniet of probeer toch te genieten van sommige rijken .
Niet alles kan rozegeur en manenschijn zijn .
Ook wil ik toch wel
de forumbeheerders feliciteren , met hun werk dat ze hier verrichten om alles in goede banen te leiden .
VHTV doe zo verder en nog vele jaren .

Happy Stephen Colbert GIF

Sausage Dog GIF by Stefanie Shank

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Hey there,

You may be interested in our upcoming promotion, which I have activated already for you to be able to use: SALE11

Using this code you can access Premium for 6 Days at just $11 or €11 :fire:

This subscription re-bills to regular Premium 30 Days at usual pricing, unless cancelled or purchased as one-time

:mailbox_with_mail: Global notice of this promotion will be published too via our communications channels. Enjoy!


#ILOVEVHTV 2023 . Every day a nice way to spend time.
Obey Times Square GIF by SuperTrip64


The best VOYEUR CAM website EVER!!! :heart_eyes: :sparkling_heart:

Auch ich mÜchte mich in die Reihe der Gratulanten einreihen. Ich mÜchte nicht nur sagen #ILOVEVHTV. Es ist viel mehr eine Obsession. Ich schaffe es nicht mein Abonnement NICHT zu verlängern wenn ich mich mal ßber einen speziellen Typ geärgert habe. ich schaffe es nicht einmal mehr einen Tag ohne VHTV auszukommen. Manch einer wßrde es Pornosucht nennen. Da wehr ich mich dagegen. Denn der Sex steht bei mir ganz hinten auf der Suchliste. Der Weg ist das Ziel fßr mich. Ich bin hoffnungsloser Romantiker und mag Liebesdramen. Leide mit den Teilnehmern mit wenn sie Streit oder Stress miteinander haben. Oder sich sogar trennen nach langer Partnerschaft - furchtbar. Aber ich freu mich wenn zwei Zueinander finden, ganz besonders wenn sie die Frßchte Ihrer Liebe verkßnden kÜnnen.
Aber summasumarum verbringe ich die meiste Zeit hier, im Forum. Ich genieße die teils tiefschürfenden Gedanken (denen ich nicht immer folgen kann :laughing:), schmunzle über die Ironie in manchen Beiträgen und versuche mich nicht zu ärgern wenn Idioten/Trolle irgendwelchen Bulls__t verbreiten. Aber das Positive überwiegt bei weitem. Danke, dass es das Forum gibt. Ich fühle mich wohl bei Euch.
Jetzt bleibt mir nur noch Euch eine ganz tolle Geburtstagsparty zu wßnschen. Feiert kräftig Ihr habt es Euch verdient. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


the best website ever

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#I Love VHTV on a number of levels. Firstly for the sex of course - but almost as much for the exchange on the Forum, the laughs, the insight and the astonishment how people can get so invested in the lives of people who are in reality total strangers! I sometines think the whole thing would make a fantastic case study for a Psychology Thesis! #keepupthegoodwork @VHTV_James

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Love watching the apartments but if I’m being 100 % honest, at times I find the drama that takes place in the forums the most captivating part of vhtv.

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Thankyou VHTV and all the participants over the past 7 years .Ilove the variety of the realms .There is always something to watch .i would love to see more couples and more interaction between realm like in the old days.looking forward to the next 7 years .:heart::birthday:


When I first found VHTV It must have just been borne

I remember Alix and Anna had an apartment that I thought was a remodeled store and the realms were frequently empty since the participants had normal jobs in the real world, but I enjoyed watching their home life The sex was always fun, but it wasn’t the only thing I wanted to see, I did take a while off, and when I came back it had been transformed into a porn site, which I don’t think was the original purpose!

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I have been watching since the beginning can’t believe it’s been this long. Seen lots of people come and go and even come back again. What I love about VHTV is the diversity of the participants and what they all bring that makes it so interesting. Here is to another 7 years thanks to all involved in this project to make it all happen.

Like all different realms and allso a good thing is the timeline so we can check the last 24hrs great site to watch real life

I love the variety I can choose. I love the flashback feature. I also love that we can interact with participants, if they choose to. #ILOVEVHTV

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Es ist einfach eine tolle Website und eine noch viel bessere Community. So viel Content wie man mĂśchte und man kann zu jeder Zeit einschalten.

I love VHTV because this is the home of voyeurism. they are always working to keep the flame burning! If I lose anything, there’s the best team to save the best content! Thank you for existing!

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Come on you miserable old sod you ain’t leaving us, i know you can’t do without my magetic personality and you will be in the background somewhere waiting to pounce. I do agree VH ain’t perhaps what it was but there are always a handful of places to keep my attention and no doubt yours too.
See you around Virge you’ll be there somewhere i expect.:hugs:


#ILOVEVHTV legal, easy, and awsome
and I wish mira&henry will back in the previous years mood. they are not fckin anybody. (in both ways)

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Been a regular sub - however, the VHTV idea is unique, always eventful, can observe all sides of life for the participants that no one else provides.

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Thank you @VHTV_James happy birthdaaayyy!!

well…why do we love VH…good question. definitely not because of the great landscape photos. or because everyone is nice to each other, in front of the cameras and in front of the screens. or because it’s great to watch pets :wink: although… for some that may also be true

At the previous birthday I joked about my origins from East Germany in connection with the film ‘The Lives of Others’. and what can I say: the easiest thing would be to repeat myself.
life… it is different, everywhere in the world. Being able to be a part of it as a viewer was unexpected when I found you about 19 months ago. but somehow it’s still not really boring.

Keep it up, not just you behind the website, but also everyone in front of the cameras who contribute to the fact that you even exist. and also here in the forum (well… at least the majority :wink: )

only together we are VH