If you got an invite to visit a flat would you be happy to eat there based on hygene & cooking sk__ls

Shhhh ! David i was chasing an invite :innocent:

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lee pace ugh GIF
I should have known! :laughing:

Some participants touch their phone during seating in the toilet and cleaning ass, then they touch the same phone during eating. I mean eating something with bare hands, not with utencils.

There hygene gives me the creeps its so bad even simple washing hands after the loo is to much trouble for them. :upside_down_face:

I really think not only participants do that…

I don’t see much food culture among the participants, not just because of the food they eat but the way they do it. I am used to eating at a certain time, placing the plates and cutlery on the table, sitting down … these guys eat in any position and anywhere, with the plate in hand, at 11 a.m. or 3 a.m. the dawn. In short, if I had to go to eat in one of those apartments, it seems to me that I would choose more for the cook’s ass than for the food.

Well, if we have a dinner table was arranged.
but it’s not the same a good cooked dinner with pizzatime or somehing, with a movie or so.

depend what focus is

In my house I sit down to lunch and dinner every day, regardless of the menu, be it a pizza or a more elaborate menu, I think it is something cultural although it also probably influences that in general the residents of the apartments are very young.

At Stiflers and Goldie apartment last night, the majority of guys and girls did not bother to wash their hands after doing a number 1 or 2. Basic hygiene FFS. Not a fuck would I want to shake hands with any of them. Imagine them handing me a plate and utensils to have a meal, no thanks.

Even better with covid, they share the same bottle of water, maybe 8 x mouths being around the bottle :upside_down_face:

I’d go hungry and thirsty I think. I usually keep a bottle of something liquid in my backpack when I go visiting in case the place looks a bit dubious. I’m a bit phobic about sharing food and _____s anyway. It’s different between partners, you grow an immunity when you live with somebody, but with visitors it’s a whole different kettle of E-Coli. And if they have a dog, there’s Microsporidia to think about.(found in dogs__t/dog buttholes) we always wipe our pooch clean with antibacterial wipes when he’s done a dollop. You don’t want that in the house.
I just saw Conor with his hand down his pants having an intense forage, then he put his hand straight on the kitchen table. So that’s one apartment I would certainly avoid dining at. :grimacing:

OMG ! you wipe your dogs ass after poop , now feeling sorry for your dog :joy: :joy: :joy:

I’d sooner do that than have s__t on the carpets and furniture, him licking his arse and then licking me.

Loool that all sounds a bit riduculous… I have no problems eating at friends houses and never got sick or ill

same here i go on mates visits with no problems even with there a____ls :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

well if I say that my late partner was immuno-suppressed and picked up microsporidia then couldn’t get rid of it with any medication or treatment, it probably makes more sense. I’m just hyper aware of how dangerous dogs__t is.
as for the other stuff, I’m talking about new places you visit, not friends. first encounters.

Se dovessi ricevere un invito, chissà ci dovrei pensare un attimo perché con questo covid non mi fiderei molto viaggiare…

Depende del apartamento, hay algunos que son muy limpios, pero hay otros que son un desastre y que luego de más turbarse o follar toman la comida sin lavarse las manos :joy: lo e visto mucho que los chicos te masturban o tocan el pene y luego toman comida o le dan a alguien con las manos