Hut TV

Well sure seems like a bunch of weirdo’s moved in now, so far must be the worst crowd ever here.

Hut TV - “The floor is wiith us”

Maybe it should have been named Nut TV !!! :laughing:

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I assume Adelina is leaving once she has packed up all her tons of belongings in plastic bags.
Haven’t they heard of suitcases :laughing:

Well looks as though Adelina is finally on her way out then, some guy arrived to take all her many bags and boxes of belongings out so goodbye to her then :anguished:
Just the scruffy lot left now god help us :laughing:

what is hut tv

Well what can I say. I have just had a perusal of the apartment and all I must say that the realm needs a good clean from top to bottom. Empty bottles plates and dishes just left to fester. The previous occupants have left the halloween decals on the furniture. It is worse now than when the queen of cleanliness Tata left the premises.

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It is the new name for this realm.

ok ,so nothing new then ,another name same s__t

Yes in a nutshell :laughing:

Can see this place becoming a right s__t hole to be honest.

Robwin you are absolutely spot on in your post.

it is already

alcool et tabac pas bon pour la santé …

Think this place must be the new homeless shelter for all the down and outs, absolute waste of space :roll_eyes:

Fun night in the Hut