Hut TV

This was awesome yesterday! :+1::ok_hand:

I could reciprocate your comment.

I don’t really care, guys. This was the comment which caught my attention. Be it in the other context, I wouldn’t mind at all and never looked into it. It’s up to everyone to decide where the boundaries are and I certainly do not and don’t plan to babysit the comments to make sure everyone speaks by some imaginary standards.

Stays or not, just be nice towards everyone is what I’m asking for here. Please


I know I can. But others like him, can’t. As long as he stays in his lane, I’ll stay in mine and no more problems

All the “tit for tat” back and forth and “reading between the lines” is the reason why I pick and choose when I comment. This forum f___ed me to follow this - If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. I suppose other members hold back making comments as well. Tired of the smart ass replies and thumbs down emojis.

Aren’t i always nice? :innocent:

I agree. Some just don’t know when to stay in there lane

This is a free and OPEN forum. The business of this forum is EVERYONE’S business.

Hey, pal, I was trying to be helpful and explain one of the rules here. Anyone is allowed to reply to any comment posted anywhere on this forum whether it meets with your approval or not.

My “lane”, in fact everyone’s lane is every post on this entire forum. You don’t get to tell anyone here, what, when, where or how to post.

It’s very interesting how subjective words can be. I would have assumed most people would have taken more offence to the guests being referred to as waifs, which means homeless, or hopheads, which means d__g addicts, than strays.

i really think we all need to be aware that with so many people from so many countries, all using different translation systems, and all brought up in different ways, with different idealogies, that a lot of words which will be vanilla for one person will be horrificly emotive for another person . Everyone should mitigate their language to say less than they mean.

You are such a nice and friendly guy i can see that now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Do you actually know what the word stray means? Here are a few meanings from the Oxford dictionary:
To wander from company, restraint, or proper limits** . : to roam about without fixed direction or purpose. : to move in a winding course.: Lost with no fixed abode. There is nothing derogatory about it. So please before you hide a post and the person alters a word, do your homework and look to see if the word is derogatory or not. There was nothing wrong with what I said and there is also nothing in the forum rules either. There has been far worse said about a person on these forums, without those posts being hidden.

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That’s “Their lane” :rofl:

Try the Urban Dictionary mate :wink:

But I don’t use the urban dictionary Jock :slightly_smiling_face:, I can see that meaning also isn’t really offensive either :thinking:. If the Urban dictionary is why posts get flagged all the time I won’t be making any more posts. I don’t see why I should trawl through the myriad of different dictionaries just to see if a word in the Oxford dictionary I want to use might offend a snowflake on here, who only uses slang meanings from the urban dictionary :+1:. The English language is going to s__t, from what I see.

Exactly that, and as Jock pointed out to look at the Urban Dictionary, I did and it’s not really offensive there either. It’s just people with a limited understanding of the English language that get triggered by things that to a native English speaker see nothing wrong with. The really annoying thing is though, I didn’t direct my comment to one person in particular I was just generalising.

That’s ok as long as you remember if someone uses a word against you that means something completely different, that you won’t take offence, I’m just trying to help :+1:

Thanks for the advice Jock, unfortunately as I mentioned above I will not be making any further comment s on theses forums, as @robwin alluded to in post 375 “there are too many tossers on here flagging stuff just for the sake of it”, or that they only use the Urban dictionary and don’t have a clue, and just make their own incorrect assumptions. This is my last post, it was nice until now, but I have had all I can take.