Harmony (2024)

I said 25 because that’s when the pre-frontal cortex (the part processing the pros and cons of a decision before it is made) is fully developed. Now, if we take into consideration the amount of ■■■■■■■ (and some other substances) some of those youngsters are using, their brains most likely will never be fully developed…Sadly

Sorry for going off topic a little bit


I’ve been away for a few days, can someone PLEASE tell me what happened at harmany’s?

Dass hab ich schon oft gesagt . Ich weiß jetzt nicht was genau passiert ist in der heutigen Nacht , dass hätte auch Erwachsene passieren können . Wenn ich mir die Wohnungen von Flora und Harmony ansehe kommt es mir so vor als wäre ich im Kindergarten. Schadet VHT die Abonnenten wollen sowas auch nicht sehen .

Da muss ich sagen ist RLC top , die haben solche Teilnehmer nicht .


@Harmony You still have the same dude plotting with his mates in your house?

Unimpressed Viola Davis GIF

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Ik zeg hier over dat voorval maar één ding .
If the drink is in the man/woman, wisdom is in the pot.

For the sake of Harmony’s physical and mental health, she should at least take a long rest from the project or seek a career outside of VHTV.


The problem is not the project. We see here a very small part of the lifestyle that most of those girls are used to. That is the real problem, not Vhtv. They lived in such a toxic environment, that what happened this morning, for them is part of normality. Hence why the dudes are still there and will always be new ones. It is part of their lives.

And believe me, we only see a very light part of it…

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Thank you John, I do appreciate that we are only seeing a snapshot on their lives streamed on VHTV. If they weren’t on VHTV their daily lives would remain the same unfortunately. Cheers

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It is clear that we are looking at the life of a completely different culture. I don’t think she’d be very intelligent if she took a bunch of horny jerks into her apartment when she was ■■■■■. Or whatever the word was, gopniks.

Yes, we do see a very censored part of their lifestyle. I mean very censored…

For most of them and against what we believe here, being on cams is much, much safer than being outside. Sad, but a reality


I am sure that if we look properly in every corner, we’re going to find this kind of lifestyle in almost every single country…

Does nobody have videos of what happened?

Well, I can see that you are reading the thread @Harmony. were you unaware of what happened to you and only now know the truth from reading it?

I am confused.com

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Harmony needs to be comforted today. :cry: :hugs:


Some things are not for us to know, no matter how concerned we are. It sucks to see someone who only seeks to provide joy and laughter so upset. I hope she feels better soon and that things are done right by her


Girl, you are sitting there crying for the past half hour, and all sorts of shit is happening in your apartment to cause you more problems. Get your shit together FFS!

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My favorite girl is the guest on this site

She is in shock, she didn’t know the chubby guy fucked her…she can’t remember anything.


Then this behaviour of the fat guest is very borderline, if not criminal

This two guys in room rn look not bad