Will Harmony be spit-roasted?
A man can hope
Just in case you need it, @Harmony your dildo is on the floor by the bedroom window.
Love? You mean work
He tried to get between her legs all evening but she dragged him until it was prime time it’s all calculated
OK, I’m just wondering if what I’m seeing is what I’m seeing that he has a mask or head scarf covering his face ??
I mean, what did he not know? We saw his face when he was sitting in there on the couch in the living room please somebody may just make sense.
He kept his socks on; he kept his pants on; he probably kept his hat on too !!
I left the timestamp in so you could go back and see his face if you really wanted to.
And it is just the way his hair shows on camera, Here are a few shots from the start
That’s my point the time in the bedroom was at prime time. he tried a couple times before but he was unsuccessful but when the time that they consider prime time came she called him to the room and led for sex.
Hello the fans of Harmony. is there a problem between Harmonie and Helli?
Я вчера очень много выпила и меня весь день тошнило , ты бы смог заниматься любовью если чувствуешь себя плохо ?
А насчет Хелли у нее будет своя квартира , вместе мы жить больше не будем
so the fun days are over when the two of you had a good time together?
but if that is what Flora wants, you have to do that
Damn shame and an error.
Helli and You belong together like Laurel & Hardy.
Well, Yes, I expected it to be already.
But shared happiness not means double happiness. Your Manager should make time to think.