they should rename these 2 girls ,Viagra & Sildenafil, because if they can wake up a 72 year nugget thats been in hibernation for nigh on 7 years ,they deserve a name that suits them
your either a wanabee m____rer or a b___dy masochist have you an idea what this is doing to my heart rate
I will miss our two princesses when the relocation starts.
Hopefully it won’t take weeks or months like we’ve been seeing more and more lately.
it better not or heads will roll for sure ,whoever is responsible for getting everything back up and running need to be aware of upsetting this pensioner . im not one to upset
Good Afternoon. Have you any update when your relocation will take place and when you will be able to move into your new apartment.
Мы планируем уехать из этой квартиры 21 числа , я думаю переезд не займет больше недели
moving the day before my birthday ,thats so unfair . was so looking forward to waking up on my birthday being welcomed by you and @Helli lovely smiles (i meant bodies really ) oh well guess i will have to make do with vids and pics for a week , life is so unfair
Shall we bunker a few and then publish them for you?