Harmony (2024)

And I have been told to try and be more respectful with my comments. So you telling me to explain it to him somehow seems like a trick…

:joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

Well even I found ‘her’ rather amusing, the first time around. However, I did find it a bit repetitive after the first few…

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Don’t wipe the :poop: into the :doughnut:

if you allow, as a neutral intermediary. :rofl: :rofl:

Я не могу справиться с Адерином, он занимается сексом с этой блондинкой, которая занимается сексом со всеми парнями, он занимается сексом с Хармони, которая, уходя, зовет к себе в квартиру другого парня, затем с красавицей Эммой, которая, и нашему дорогому, он этого не делает

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To me, it looked like he was interrupting her phone time!

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Isn’t this his third forum incarnation?
First he got in trouble as Seth, so he tried StillSeth and still failed to get along, Now he has become an angel called NotSeth!

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I would not be sad if the next incarnation is NeverSeth :rofl: :rofl:


I think it might be, yes.

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They all FWB, no one is in a relationship, which is fine. However, I feel like Aderyn is going to get jealous when one of them gets a bf, especially Harmony.

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Although it also gave us some nice moments, I don’t like seeing Harmony _____ to the point of losing control. :cry: Knowing your limits will prevent you from doing stupid and embarrassing things that you will regret later. :thinking:


К сожалению я когда выпью не могу остановиться, и не помню что происходила , мне это очень сильно не нравится


When your young you do stupid things you live and you learn and then the hangovers begin to last for 3 days :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


you had a lot of fun :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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In that case you need somebody who tells you when to stop so you can learn your limits.


So don’t _____ hard l____r, stick to beers maybe


some how i don’t think that’s an option in the environment she’s in

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Not remembering can be a good thing :joy: With enough of this happening, you will learn where to draw the line :smiley:


One advantage she has here in VHTV, She can always look back at her last 24 hours on the cam timeline!


It’s not always a good thing :smile:

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When I think back to my youth a_____l crashes, I certainly wouldn’t want to look back on them… :joy: :joy: :joy:

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