It’s not a few. It’s been the majority. However, I agree they should do what they feel is best for them.
@Harmony @Helli do you think you will be able to invite Ben over to be one of your “extra special guests”?? I bet he can fix your trampoline better than Aderyn can.
There young there supposed to be having fun i know i did when i was there age
Кто это ?
Scream like this
Wait, I have to turn off the sound!!!
If she does it theirs always a mute button to push
Sorry Harmony I mean that as a joke not serious at all
Все я устала орать
Можете включать звук
Ben in a long time popular guest/participant of VHTV. You can check the VHTV video archives to see his contributions.
He lives close to the participant @Queen. I’m am not sure if she live close to you.
Unfortunately this is the only picture of him that was has been saved to the VHTV wiki…
@PacerColtsFan181062 even Harmony finds my comment funny and it’s about her. Can you please explain to me what about my comment you disagree with?
When I read it it just sounded wrong to me she had to do something with him just for him to fix the trampoline
Harmony didn’t have to. She chose to herself. The sex was a reward to Aderyn for fixing their trampoline!
Это было не так
With me it’s just a nice and respect level for me about Harmony and that goes for Helli too That’s all
If it wasn’t a reward. Does that mean you fucked him as punishment?
I agree, it is nice to see they have already started to follow my suggestions.