'guest guy/girl' more and more often instead of names in the archive? Why?

Oh I thought you talked about more recent ones. I do not follow this place at all since Lillian left and so I do not know. As I said I can’t be everywhere. THat is impossible :wink:

Just to add on to what Stanley has suggested above, would it be a good idea on the moment request forms to add a question to specifically ask who was involved in the moment?

obviously it doesn’t have to be compulsory to fill in but my thinking is that the person requesting the moment being saved is likely to already know the names involved and would in turn make it easier for M/O’s to cross check with the wiki if it’s a place they are not familiar with as they are looking for a name instead of having to click each name to try match a picture

I know there is already a details box which could be used for this purpose but it doesn’t seem to be well used


I saw moments saved where people said the name of the guest in the request and nevertheless they were called “guests”. Happened recently with Gabi in realm89

So I am not sure if that will help much.

In case all MOs would adhere to that THEN it would for sure help a lot.

Just a thought, but instead of just TL3s helping, wouldn’t it be better if everyone with access to the archive helped out? The more people looking for these omissions, the faster they get fixed.

Sure. That would even increase the collecitve intelligence even more. :+1:

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Let me give that a bump. Any news about some concept for retagging @VHTV_James ? As I said I am willing to help :hugs:

When the time comes and further help is needed: you could also count on me if you want