Now some girls please
I think @Sparkles is going to do the next one, lets see what he has planned.
If not then Jabs you can make one.
I am on vacation and don’t have access to my big photo database
Could we split it and have 2…male and female? I sort of started all of this off with my Post (yes in the other thread I know) with Jacob and then Patrik and the guessing element came in with my one of Sean. It would be nice if we could just continue in the same vein, if that makes sense.
Personally I think that would be a bad idea because it just promotes segregation and IMO it’s better to be as inclusive as much as we can after all it is only for fun.
I agree to that
So @David let us know if your quiz is for VH participants or just for dicks
There’s no need for that Sparkles, David has his preferences just like the rest of us.
What did i said wrong :\ ??? He was the one that said he would prefer his topic to be males only… I only asked if it’s to be like that…
depending on his answer i will keep participating or not. nothing else
IMO the tone in which it was written is a bit harsh, I agree if it is only for male nudity then there is no need for to keep playing as I think it should be open to all.
OK, let’s resolve this. I have no intention of stopping any kind of inclusions here but please let’s at least have some kind of balance in terms of male / female.
Some of you could have posted an image featuring female participant already, but you prefer arguing if these should be separate, guys. Come on, post some ladies!
Just by way of a point of order…
Would it be acceptable to use editing software such as Photoshop to alter pictures to make it a little more challenging to guess identities? Let me be clear though, I do NOT mean alter the picture in such a way that the person looses their identity completely…such as merging them with another person to create some kind of hybrid ‘someone else’. Just simply a means of covering up facial features (or other things that would give away the answer too easily, whilst guessing is taking place and then revealing the proper picture once guessed.
I can’t see a reason not to but for me I think it is rather time consuming and a bit complicated even for users with limited computer know how.
Wow that’s indeed a hard one.
I wouldn’t know where to begin, identifying that one…you might not be surprised to read that lol.
I take a guess looking at the nipples it could be Courtney
Sorry, try again.
Whitney? When this is not right I really need a small hint