Guess the Participant Game

i just tried to find Carl & Jenifer through the participant search on the archives and none of their videos came up. To find them you have to go to Hunter & Piper in the apartment section and than choose Sept. 2018. I was sure i have seen a guy with such tatoos in the past, but as the archive search did not reveal any vids from them i was not able to find them. Good choice and even better as they are quite hard to find in the archives!

@marcie59 turn to post now :wink:

y’know what threw me with carl is the tied back hair. Now that I’ve found him in the archive (thanks to chrd12345 ), I remember his floppy hair just not him wearing it tied back.

Rejolda. Easy one

Would you allow me to insert another one please? I know it’s technically not my turn (yours of course as you guessed that one) but one has just come to mind, I would like to share.

I will do a new one tonight. Hopefully not easy to guess :wink:

In the mean time then…

Who is this gorgeous young fellow?

Why ask if you do it anyway :man_shrugging: :rofl:

I went on to do it AFTER Jabbath said he would do his tonight. I didn’t know he was going to delay doing it or I would have waited for him to reply to me asking if I could add this one. Hence the “in the mean time” part of my last comment. :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I don’t get it.

No idea. I only see the ass and nothing more. Impossible to identify for me…

I asked Jabbath if I could add one BEFORE he does his next one. Having then seen that he said he would do his later (tonight), I added mine. I simply inserted it in the middle of my initial question and his next turn, based on his comment about doing it later. I just hope someone gets mine before he posts his so that it runs fairly for him as he is the one who officially had the right to the next go.

Yep, I can’t identify from a mans ass since that’s not where I am looking, so I am trying to figure out the kitchen design. :rofl:

Is it Bart?

Not Bart, no. The clue I will give is that his name does not have a conventional spelling. Neither did his girlfriend’s

well that narrows it down none. :grin:

Google image has not helped me one bit, b___dy useless. :grinning:

Yes it does…if you happen to have a knowledge of such things. :slight_smile: