Grayson & Gaia, Otto & Lola

I am like a lot of viewers suprised that they have left the project. I hope that they are all safe and well and maybe return in the future.


That was sudden and a little surprising. Always sad to see one of my favourites leave :cry: I’m going to miss the lovely Gaia :heart: And I was so looking forward to see little Mickey grow bigger :heart: I wish all the best of luck to all of you :hugs:


Dommage de voir partir mes deux couples préférés surtout ensemble.
J’adorais voir Otto avec d’autres homme pour avoir des relations sexuelles gays. J’ai adorĂ© le voir s’embrasser avec le couple gay la semaine derniĂšre.
je rĂȘvais de voir les deux couples avoir des relation bisexuelles ensemble. Je me suis mĂȘme rĂ©abonnĂ© quand j’ai vu qu’ils Ă©taient dans un appartement ensemble.
Dommage encore une fois car pour les bi comme moi, VHTV ne laisse pas beaucoup de place au sexe gay entre homme.

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I got news they are alright and might come back (separately) in the future. So we no longer have to worry now. :heart:


Thats good news 2 of my favourite couples separately and together .
i hope they didn’t damage their relationship too much ad thta thyey both do come back again - in any format.
Good luck guys.

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Looking at the comment from Gaia, it seemed strange to me that Lola & Otto should have an issue with smoking in the bathroom, it’s not like they didn’t already do it in the last place. In fact it’s strange to have any of those squabbles since they spent a considerable amount of time together in the last place and both couples should have known what the other couple was like.


Well apparently the quarrel continued off cam and both just decided they no longer want to continue together.


Sensible - lets hope it’s soon.

Best news today

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Fighting over smoking 2 big girl blouses.

It is a shame we loose those who play together so well
Wondering here what really happened they haft to leave

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Dear friends and just people who were interested in us: unfortunately, we are leaving the project. It was a joy for us to show our real everyday life and it was nice that you were interested in us. And it was also a pleasure to communicate with you here and find out your opinion. We wish you all good health and good luck in everything, with respect to Gaia and Grayson​:heart::upside_down_face:

P.S. There are people with whom we have struck up friendly communication and I decided to leave the only social network in which we can continue it and made free access: OnlyFans


I’m sorry, but this link is better. I didn’t immediately just find how to do it:

PS I’m still a blonde :joy::joy::joy:


Sad they have left. Hopefully Otto & Lola will be back. I was never keen on Grayson. He was such a miserable sod, _____ing during the day, always _____ and falling as___p when they had guests over, he was boring! The only decent thing he did was have the bisexual foursome with Otto & Lola. He always argued with someone with a _____ in him. I remember him talking to the gay guy once in the old apartment and then suddenly they were having words and the gay guy left.

Thankyou Gaia, lovely photo’s :wink:

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@Gaia Bye for now and good luck in all you do i will miss you both .Take care

Lola and Otto have always provided great entertainment with just the two of them. God I remember the days of Hannah
loved that girl. but dom/ sub, Straight /gay you name it
they are game. At first with this combimation I thought Grayson had a little more of an appitite for Lola than Otto for Gaia
 but that is speculation on if it was an issue or not. But I hope to see Lola and Otto come back as I can never tire of Lola and that mile long body. Good luck both couples, hope to see you back appart soon!!


Avete detto che sarebbero tornati separati e invece non Ăš vero niente!! Smettela di dire cazzate!! Hanno abbandonato il progetto questa Ăš la veritĂ .

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Best wishes in your next adventure my friend. I hope Grayson, Mickey and you will find happiness in whatever you decide to do next. I will miss seeing your smiley face every day. :smiling_face: I hate saying goodbye so instead I will say until we meet again. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :face_holding_back_tears:

Good Bye GIF

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Calm down, @Luketto. What he actually said was:

Calmati, @Luketto. Quello che in realtĂ  ha detto Ăš stato:

He said they might come back, not that they would come back. He also said it would be in the future.

Ha detto che potrebbero tornare, non che sarebbero tornati. Ha anche detto che sarebbe successo in futuro.