
Why are yall acting like this is some world ending catastrophe? She just fell out of bed ffs… geez.

I’m sure she’s fine. She’s had plenty of practice sticking the landing. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

She '¨s back into bed 0348 :slight_smile:

Maybe vhtv should start another giveaway. Closest guess to the time she falls out again without going over gets a free 30 day premium subscription. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If even having a c___d didn’t few months ago opened her eyes, i believe the phase of addiction is already present and in a deep way

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Sadly, I believe you are correct. She’s too far gone at this point when having a c___d doesn’t matter.

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She could fall out again at any time

I, guess they didn’t see Goldie falling down the stairs. When she was _____
At the lust house . Actually was Bens at the time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I don’t think Goldie should take this up as a hobby :rofl: :rofl:


Wonder if anybody dares to have sex in there ? :rofl::rofl:

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Where would you fit the cams :thinking: :rofl:

On the helmet? :joy: :innocent:


:thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

The answer to your question starts at about 7:30.

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Wow really crazy :joy:

A post was merged into an existing topic: :fire: 30-Day Premium Subscription Giveaway

Flora is visiting Goldie

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it’s a big round circle :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same old, same old, just diff City :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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She must be checking to see if Goldie is okay. She was pretty shaky yesterday when she from went Flora… …