
Maybe she forgot herself and was on her best behaviour :laughing: as i said just now it won’t last long :laughing: Hope i am wrong.


Ken & Karen visiting :heart_eyes:


There seems to have been quite a fight between Goldie and Kristoff… :open_mouth: :cry:

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Kristoff is sick as a dog. I think he just threw up out the bedroom window. Maybe some people got a surprise shower. :rofl:

He has severe abdominal pain

He looks more like he’s been on d__gs to me…


Definitely :+1::+1:

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Yes, there is another possibility. He’s talking to himself now…

And Goldie covering her head with a pillow to ignore him, is priceless. :rofl:

Goldie right now wishing she was her usual p________t self. He won’t shut up! :smile:

In fact, he’s been doing it all the time. What are you getting at?

ANd now Kristoff is packing. :man_facepalming:

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You win :slight_smile:

What a ****** :rage:

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Welcome to Russia and VHTV basically :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

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