its funny how being a a_____lic is accepted and funny but i bet if they started smoking through a pipe these same people that find it funny will all of a sudden be “concerned” and report to support
I would say they _____ a lot but I wouldn’t class them as a_____lics, not yet anyway
I don’t think it’s funny to see them _____. But on the contrary. It’s very sad and if Goldie in particular isn’t careful, it will end badly for her.
i was talking about certain people who had a problem with someone using a pipe to smoke probably tobacco but are fine with people _____ing till they pass out
Yes, I already understood you. I totally agree with you.
I just wanted to say I’m worried about Goldie.
Furget the ketchup get sum brrooonn sauce.
Looks like Goldie will be literally making blue this weekend .
Is the guy that normally fucks Ingrid there now?
Think they or she broke up with him.
No, Nolan is not around at the moment. But Ingrid is not picky
Watching themselves come home?
The two of them would probably have no memory of coming home if they couldn’t look it up in the timeline.