
its funny how being a a_____lic is accepted and funny but i bet if they started smoking through a pipe these same people that find it funny will all of a sudden be “concerned” and report to support :roll_eyes:

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I would say they _____ a lot but I wouldn’t class them as a_____lics, not yet anyway :thinking:

I don’t think it’s funny to see them _____. But on the contrary. It’s very sad and if Goldie in particular isn’t careful, it will end badly for her. :cry:

i was talking about certain people who had a problem with someone using a pipe to smoke probably tobacco but are fine with people _____ing till they pass out

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girls having fun, that’s it



Yes, I already understood you. I totally agree with you.

I just wanted to say I’m worried about Goldie.

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:heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:


Furget the ketchup get sum brrooonn sauce. :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Guys arrived with more beers

Looks like Goldie will be literally making blue this weekend .


Is the guy that normally fucks Ingrid there now?

Think they or she broke up with him.

No, Nolan is not around at the moment. But Ingrid is not picky :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s his name? :slightly_smiling_face:

Watching themselves come home?
:rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl:

The two of them would probably have no memory of coming home if they couldn’t look it up in the timeline. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Two left - one to go

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