
That’s ever the highlight of the show :grin:

Anyone experiencing forum loading problems?

Sloooowwww here. :upside_down_face:

Yeah many of the piccy posts seem to be struggling loading.
So much for the fucking upgrades then though in all honesty didn’t expect anything better as they always fuck it up :rofl:

Goldie is the

Corpse for Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

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S___ping it off no doubt :roll_eyes:

Goldie fell off the bed

Just step over her :slight_smile:

Not the first time she did that.

At least it was slow :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Again? Do they always have to get falling down _____?

That girl needs help fast i think.

She will probably only get help when she is in the hospital with a_____l poisoning. As long as she is in the VHTV project, she will not be helped. :frowning_face:

Yep sad but true, to VH they are all just balance book figures.

Lame girl, always _____ no wonder Finley had to leave this place. Her loss

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Not a problem to her… she is so used that don’t even notice the difference between the bed or the floor

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