
If you watch from here and follow him into kitchen, someone tells Finley about it and he finds it quite hilarious

3 uur eerder

Too bad he didn’t get wet feet and would have spread the piss all over the kitchen. :laughing:

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They need to get him a litter box when he visits next time :rofl:

Dirty bastard, yet another reason i don’t watch many of them these days, just don’t find it acceptable or funny.

Out of curiosity, Does pissing on the heater earn him a name?

How about Oscar?


I was thinking in the lines of Dick :thinking: I’ll refrain from adding head to that :rofl:

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what about buzz
 in reference to what he’d of got if he managed to piss into the heater’s electrics

Macaulay Culkin Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor

for unspecified reasons: against it!

I am sorry but that’s so disrespectful if it were my place he would be over there cleaning up and then his ass would not be back because he would have gotten the boot :hiking_boot: real quick

You letting him off way too easy, He should clean it with his tongue!

(EDIT) Isn’t that damage to the property?

ce comportement devrait ĂȘtre signalĂ© a VHTV. il y a bien des toilettes dans cette appartement!

she’s laughing - are we sure about her 
 ? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Teresa is somewhat happy considering that her f____r died

A_____l side effects?

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Is she supposed to sit and cry all day? Grief comes in waves; one minute you are doing good and in a few moments the shock hits, and you fall apart!

They shouldn’t give the pisser so much to _____, otherwise he won’t be able to hold it again
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What’s the female equivalent of dickhead? :rofl:

I am glad she has friends for comfort and companionship!
:people_hugging: :hugs: :people_hugging: