
Goldie _____s less lately…
And I would love to keep lovely Goldie company :heart_eyes:

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I haven’t seen Goldie much lately. Last actually at L&W or at Flora. And then she was _____. I would be really happy if she slowly realized for herself that a_____l is her biggest enemy.

Who wouldn’t? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Yes but at home lately she didn’t _____ so much. And I know she gets professional help. But that takes time. I only wish her the best. :hugs::hugs:


Thank you Jabbath for that positive update.

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Rooting for Goldie :hugs:


That’s great news I pray :pray: she keeps it up and I also wish her the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

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Goldie always looks so beautiful and stunning :heart_eyes: :hugs: :hot_face:



Is that blonde girl Goldies sister? she looks so much like her!

Man, we sure have a lot of armchair ther____ts in here lately, don’t we…

I may be wrong, but isn’t this Ingrid :grinning:

Yes that’s the beautiful Ingrid :hugs:

Glad I got it right for once. This old brain ain’t what it used to be :laughing:

Please pardon me,

I was speeding through trying to catch up with last nights activity, and that pic made her look like a bleach-blonde Goldie.

No problem pal, happens to us all sometimes :smiley:

U know I’m the same way with trying to get all of these beautiful females names on the site right even though I look through the wiki and I still have trouble matching the name with the pics :joy: :crazy_face: so don’t feel bad :hugs:

I’m not much different. I look for the name in the wiki and when I finally find it, the pictures usually look like it’s someone else. And later she was… so I prefer not to answer questions about names and wait until the competence team comes… :laughing:

And who might that be? :laughing:


I would assume that is Jabbath or occasionally other M.O.s

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Mainly Jabbath… but there are still a few experts and I always admire these guys how they can match names to matching faces. :sweat_smile:

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