
it will give Goldie an extra day to s___p it off :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks as though it was Goldie was the b___dy accident. :laughing:

Thatā€™s when the real voyeur feeling comes up. Be glad you donā€™t have to look through binoculars from a ladder at a treeā€¦ :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy:

I think that might be against the law :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Judging by recent reports the law are just as fucking bad :laughing:

They can use the excuse they were trying to gather evidence :rofl: :rofl:

Using personal experience of course :smile:

The only problem is that it takes them a few weeks to set up the cameras, so by the time they go online they have probably had the time to have three housewarming parties, and already received an eviction notice. Then we get relocation again. They literarily spend more time offline for relocation than they are actually online and living on the project.

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Welcome back @Goldie :heart_eyes: :two_hearts:

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But something has to be done about the streaming

Welcome back beautiful @Goldie :hugs:

Thatā€™s quite funny when they live nomadic lifestyles :thinking: :rofl:

Not a very good start. Cameras out of synch, and heavy lagging. Might as well put it offline again.

Cam 1 doesnā€™t work at all and with fast movements the effect is as in the picture of Noldusā€¦ there has to be done a bit before we really have Goldie backā€¦ :open_mouth:

But then I also say:

Welcome back, @Goldie :hugs: :heart: :heart: :hugs:

Interim report: Cam 1 is online again. :+1:

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Bit of a walking disaster really is our Goldie :laughing:

Speaking of disasters, howā€™s it going pal :wink: :grin:

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As well as can be expected with you tossers around :laughing:

Maybe in 3 days or less, a new ā€œrelocationā€ :joy: