
I think Goldie was a little desperate when they first met, wasn’t that right around when Teresa was thrown out of VHTV because of the Ben cigarette in the face situation!

Well look who is back :joy:

why goldie is not partying this is what she wanted?

wie heisst sie ?

Their names are Kelys & Isidor

It’s not right for such a beautiful woman like Goldie to be alone,i thing she misses a man like Connor.
Connor what are you waiting for?

Connor has now become self-employed and repairs doors. Since then he has had no time for women. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Maybe he only works on the back door, does Goldie like the rear entry?

I am quite sure that Connor already been there :wink:

For me one of the best couples was Connor and Wynona and unfortunately we don’t see them.

Yes, i fully agree with you.

When I wanted to the other day, she declined… :joy: :joy: :joy:


@Goldie , Hello, gorgeous :heart:
Will we be seeing Elia&Rory anytime soon?

Don’t think you got anough photo’s pal, better next time hopefully :laughing:


I am just happy to have the timestamp, so I can go back and catch my own pics.

especially of the pretty Goldie feet.

Funny you should say that i think her toenails look awful. Whether it’s how she applies her nail varnish i don’t know but they look mucky.

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