Mrs says it means Fucker or Fuck off and she s Russian born & bred
They should never had never brought ______ and all these kids and the apartment would of still been online
Mental couple
Totally. Hopefully they will learn to no longer invite these useless kids…
do they have their own apartment on here?
Ok thanks frog. i just looked it up. no hard feeling.
The older women must be scratching her head and saying to herself, “I thought I was the _____!”
Haha wtf poor lady I don’t think she might last here that long on vhtv
I agree 100 percent fuck these Damm kids
Or she’s thinking WTF my bf said it would be fun.
In the end was a good night to update my list of realms!
no hurt feelings ever it was just a real life translation the mrs shouted out when she heard it
We’ll they got more than the expected, that’s for sure
She was definitely _____, and not just a little bit, she was _____ to the point of being unsteady on her feet.
She almost fell like 2 times
See you in the next part of Are you the one.
I bet stif probably mad right now that his apartment is being destroyed and getting a ticked
the cameras are off,
siempre traen niños de mierda para hacer vistas y nunca pasa nada yo pasare de ver estis reinos como el de Scott traen 2 chicas para que pensemos tendran fiesta y algo caliente y lo unico que hacen es limpiar,beber y bailar pero algo como sexo nunca