
Nobody cares if your gay straight bi LGBTQ we simply respect each other. sexual orientation has nothing to do with anything here


There is no respect if the queer participants have to fuck pussies so they can have a future here.
Also there are not always polite str8 users in this forum.
They like to add fuel to the fire to make participants rethink before they do any gay action, because the managers are monitoring the forum as we know.

Oh it does I can assure you, especially if there is blatant negativity which is far from subtle. I am not saying that I think there is (or isn’t) in THIS situation, just in terms of the main site / and forum as a whole.


It’s pretty simple if your gay you fuck men if your Bi you fuck both men and women NONE NONE of my gay friends go near women and they will tell you women just dont turn them on


I have seen so many users making fun of gay moments here.
But actually if you seen when there is gay action the posts have always the most likes.
So this kind contradicts the whole thing.
There are many users like us who would love to see this kind of action and subscribe, but because some of the people are being homophobes they ruin every chance that this can continue.
How many male participants you remember doing one gay thing at first but then for the rest of the time they only fuck girls?
I have easily 5 names on my mind.

Which is to be expected of course and I can certainly relate to that, not being turned on by women, I mean.

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fairness doesnt come into it , VHTV will always bow to the masses , in this case it would be fair to say over 90% of members are straight and dont find male gay sex appealing , and before you go accusing me of being homophobic , let me assure you im not . but i do understand why gay appartments dont come along very often , due to the stigma that the majority of people put on it , if you look back in history of vhtv , there as been very little intrest in them even when chad & todd came along the viewing figures for that appartment was very low . the sad fact is .is that there are not enough of gay members to fully warrant vhtv to activily try and encourage gay people to sign up , i would love to see more mature participants , but just like the gay community very few members want to see wrinkly sex , but you dont hear me moaning about it ,

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Look at my post above.

How the posts with gay content have the most reactions though?
And why you are 100% sure there is not enough demand for gay content?

Arent’ Chad & Todd the couple that one tried to kill the other will the knife?
That’s why they got removed from the project, not because of the low viewership…

Anticipation Popcorn GIF


One of the example of the users who act like this (that we were talking about earlier)…

I posted that gif because this matter was already discussed a hundred of times and the outcome is always the same. So I will sit relax and wait for the same outcome :grin:

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How ironic that you chose a picture of a rather attractive young guy, to make your popcorn related point!!!

Just saying! :innocent: :wink:


ive been a member of these vouyer forums sinse 2016 and have seen this argument countless times over the last 8 years , you seem to be forgetting only about 5% of viewers of vhtv are active on the forums ., so any argument about how many likes a post gets is immaterial and not a true reflection on statistics


Well why not give you a treat as well? :hugs::grin:

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Because money talks bullshit walks and VHTV is in the money making business it’s really that simple :man_shrugging:

And you are saying that they prefer to have like 30 straight realms in which 5-10 actually worth ito see, and not like 5 gay realms that could attract extra gay subscribers?

It would be very good if those who claim to know all the statistics, including the percentage of homosexual viewers and the revenue generated by male-to-male content for VHTC, would release their data publicly.

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i do sympathise with our gay members . i believe in equality but if you think any of the discussions here will sway the way vhtv advertises then sadly your mistaken , they have there own template , which relies on managers setting up realms and picking participants . ( yes i have read where vhtv advertises for managers and participants but i think when it comes to signing up gay members from the lgbqt community , i believe due to location of the majority of these appartments and there countries laws regarding that community ,you have to realise that many of them prefer to keep that part of there lives private and not spread all over the internet

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That’s what I am asking for years, but I got tired…

Personally I watch maybe 6 of the realms on here so they receive the revenue from my subscription money the one’s I don’t watch don’t I could not care less if there were 10 Gay realms I simply would’t watch them the only way realms survive is if they are getting enough views so if there were enough viewers wanting to watch a gay apartment it would do well and survive it really is that simple