I really couldn’t care less what someone else wants to name themselves as, although it really has got beyond stupid & confusing when in basic terms there are only really male or female which are defined by x and y chromosomes.
I just find it ironic that some people who want to be known as X then want to label me as well, for anyone that is interested I am a man and as you will see it is simple a three lettered word with nothing before or after, basically I ain’t interested in having this (cis) word around it.
The world is changing at a rapid pace and there are bound to be things that upset people. Just take time out to think how it affects you, if it does not, simply move on. If it is important for someone not to be defined by being a certain gender so be it.
I don’t think the world really is changing that much, all that has changed is access to information all these things have been around for a very long time it is just that now people have easier access to it.
That is one way of looking at it but I do think that things are changing a lot faster than before.