Gaia & Grayson

What is with camera 7 in the bedroom? Don’t work?

Have you done a ticket about it?

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mmmmm cute and sweet i hop if i can see you how u dress red undrwear mwahhhhh :heart_eyes:


Just checking in on Mickey. He’s as fine as he can be :heart:




yes, now it works, it was offline for ± 6 hours. i dont now wat happens

Probably their bosses are finally leaving

The Matrix Car GIF by Unreal Engine

It appears Chef Panda has enter The Matrix. :sunglasses:

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ahahaha :grin: your comment made my evening and made me laugh out loud :joy::joy::joy:


because you are interested, I decided to share this funny video with you


Unfortunately, I don’t know how to post a post here for everyone) but we would like to ask your opinion) What and how would you like to see in our apartment?)


Well Gaia I worry about you especially if you are using the bathroom or if you are in there sick. So since I’m not able to see that cam that’s what I would want

You worry about her especially when she is in the bathroom?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Well if you buy a membership you will have full view of the bathroom and can watch her there until your heart is content.

Ahhh, would you look at that :heart:

No duh I realize that but it’s stupid to pay for something like this. She asked what we wanted so I answered besides she might decide to make that one available

More swapping partners and more guest and parties!


More parties with many guest playing!


Relax and do your everyday things, and have guests and parties sometimes. That is, keep doing what you are doing.And take good care of Mickey :smile:

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I doubt @Gaia will grant the request to someone who is being as rude as you. Especially to a free user who thinks paying for a subscription is dumb.

You don’t have to worry though. I’m sure that there are plenty of paying users that will make sure she is safe in the bathroom for you. :wink:

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