Gaia & Grayson

It would be better to see exchange of couples ,i don’t like the pure naked.I remember a couple
visiting the house and they were painting tattooing.I realy want to see it again.

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They may be doing well but if you follow the trending panel you will see they are always rank higher when Otto and Lola are over than when they are not. The trending panel tracks the total views for a realm. The higher up the list the more views the realm is getting. This is not my opinion these are the simple facts.

I agree it would be nice for them to play with couples more, but they seem happy with Otto and Lola over. Grayson has also been much more well behaved. He was starting to become quite the troublemaker before they came to visit regularly.

to be fair I dont care about all the numbers ,how do you know its not fake numbers ,Gaia is for better then other girl, better body ,and I rather see Gaia the other girl is indeed very lovely always have been ,but for me its Gaia

The numbers is how they get paid. So they care about the numbers.

yes they do ,I do not

Well, regardless of what you and others want, they are going to continue to do what they want to do.

Do we know what project Otto is working on? I see that he’s always writing in a notebook. He’s on the computer a lot and the other day, I saw a passport on the table beside him.

Maybe preparing to leave the country. Couldn’t blame him for it.

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if you are talking about a blue passport))) then this is the passport of our little puppy Mickey)


Ha! Who would have thought! It had me fooled! :grin:

Oh my Mickey is at such a young age to be traveling to another country alone. Will he be traveling for business or pleasure?? :thinking: :dog: :joy:

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of course for fun😂) our friend is only with us )

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Gaia reads to us and tries to make us happy i want to ask her to invite the couple who
was at home on january 16th.We love you and Grayson and you and Mickey.

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On January 16, we had Fidel and Fanny? (Blonde with short hair and muscular guy) - a lot of guests, so I don’t remember who it was that day):upside_down_face:

Yes for them i say.

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Seems like Mickey is flanking them. Smart little fellow :smile:


Isn’t this becoming so repetitive and boring? I saw great old stuff from them, but nothing recently.

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Since the couple is here it’s boring :confused: :confused: :relieved:


I think it’s nice to have Otto and Lola there. Everybody seems to enjoy each other…and both Gaia and Lola are the most beautiful women on VHTV!