Gaia & Grayson

Thank you) and Happy Valentine’s Day to you :innocent:

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I hope we will see the two guest couples visiting soon.

PS. @Gaia You are by far the most lovely and caring girl i ve ever seen here. I admire your patience. Try to have as much fun as you can you deserve the best

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Well said,Gaia and Grayson are my favorite apartment on the whole of VHTV as they are normal and Gaia has the patience of a saint as you said, but she has an inner tiger towards sexual endeavours which i love.


Thanks for the kind words :innocent: We also hope that guest couples will come to us soon)

Mutual masturbation @Gaia & Grayson!


Gaia always looks sexy, great body


Excellent images of this excellent couple, it is normal in this apartment


Yes Gaia is beautiful :heart: :heart_eyes: :fire:

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I would really like to see them swapping with an other couple to bad Grayson didnt participate last time

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Very beautiful

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Gaia looking a million dollars today ,Gorgeous

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Oh Gaia got a puppy as cute as her, love my dog.

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Congratulations Gaia And Grayson with new member of the household. What a cute puppy :smile:


I’m sure it will be far better behaved than someone who’s name shall remain anonymous! :laughing:


What a lovely screenshot :smiley: Someones seems to be settling in.

Thank you) yes, this is our new friend) it remains to give him a name)


Name him VH!

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[quote=“Gollom, post:989, topic:10273, full:true”]
Name him VH!
[/quote] Your idea is good) but the name is very long😁

What about VeeH?

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Igor the Terrible.