Thank you) and Happy Valentine’s Day to you
I hope we will see the two guest couples visiting soon.
PS. @Gaia You are by far the most lovely and caring girl i ve ever seen here. I admire your patience. Try to have as much fun as you can you deserve the best
Well said,Gaia and Grayson are my favorite apartment on the whole of VHTV as they are normal and Gaia has the patience of a saint as you said, but she has an inner tiger towards sexual endeavours which i love.
Thanks for the kind words We also hope that guest couples will come to us soon)
Gaia always looks sexy, great body
Yes Gaia is beautiful
I would really like to see them swapping with an other couple to bad Grayson didnt participate last time
Gaia looking a million dollars today ,Gorgeous
Oh Gaia got a puppy as cute as her, love my dog.
Congratulations Gaia And Grayson with new member of the household. What a cute puppy
What a lovely screenshot Someones seems to be settling in.
Thank you) yes, this is our new friend) it remains to give him a name)
Name him VH!
[quote=“Gollom, post:989, topic:10273, full:true”]
Name him VH!
[/quote] Your idea is good) but the name is very long😁
What about VeeH?
Igor the Terrible.