Old friends visited many times before,Grayson about to s___p again lol
he’s too hip for the room. LOL
he certaintly is, pissed as a fart now Gaia has to entertain on her own again,
Nothing new Grayson just i________ed again for the four time this week… Passing out before the guest go home… Isn’t that we expect from a _____…
i could be friends with Gaia 100% as she is adorable in nature and treats all people lovely ,
I was thinking parents
Grayson is sick, violent, and possibly an a_____lic. He doesn’t deserve Gaia. She is so sweet and happy. She’s wasting her best years on some jerk. He’s useless, just spreading his stupidity. I feel bad for her.
Gaia being naughty again
not parents as Gaia was rubbing her and kissing in bathroom and i have to s___p, but more could happen yet thought i would let you know cheers
Thank you friend
I totally agree with you
Bring back the shemale!!!
we’ve seen the guest before, haven’t we
That song brings me back to my youth
Is that for Mrs Claus
She took the butt plug out and they had anal sex
That was a very wise thing to do.